A visit to Monet’s paintings
I started to be interested in art when I was little, and I remember the time when my teacher introduced us to Impressionism.
I was amazed by how different it was from traditional painting techniques, and could not believe that it was “simply” a bunch of many little brush strokes put together. I got a little obsessed over the years with this art movement, and that’s how I started my personal art book collection. 
You cannot imagine how excited I was when a few months ago, when travelling in Europe, I suddenly decided to visit Giverny, Claude Monet’s home.
It was completely out of schedule, but how could I miss the opportunity, right? So when I finally got there, it was pure joy: The house and the gardens were exactly like the paintings!!!
Well, the house itself is now a museum, and was restored with many original pieces of furniture and a lot of old Japanese prints.
The gardens were replanted according to Monet’s preferences: He used to mix the simplest flowers (daisies and poppies) with the most rare varieties.
The place is absolutely peaceful and beautiful, and it is no wonder that Monet found his inspiration for more than twenty years in this perfect scene.


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